Fiber Shop ~ Working Farm

Class Calendar

The shop is open by appointment so just give us a call.  Also, it is open the second Saturday of each month at 11am. 


Click on each hyperlinked/underlined class name for a full class description, syllabus and costs.  Any supplies you will need to bring to class will be listed there.  If you have any questions, please email me at leef "at" appleleeffarm "dot" com.

Call or email to reserve your spot in the class.  I need a minimum of  TWO people to make a class.  I do not require deposits, and rely on your best intentions to keep class appointments.  However, I do know very well that things can happen!  Just please, out of consideration, let me know if you cannot attend as soon as you can.  It can sometimes make a difference to a class that does not make attendance-wise, and a class that has a wait list.  A lot of preparation goes into these classes to make your learning experience the best possible!

 SPIN-INS -  the second Saturday of the month! 
We do ask that everyone that comes, please be vaccinated against COVID and in good health.... 

Spin-Ins are on the second Saturday of each month.  We are open and start from 11 am until we decide to go home!  ALL are welcome, new friends and old, to come and join the fun.  Some days will have special events which will be edited below as we go.  If any day is cancelled, it will be noted on the list below, so check here first.  We are a hardy bunch and not much gets between us and our fiber!!!


SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 2025  11am till...
We have been shot out of our saddle for the last TWO Spin-ins!  First due to the weather, and the second due to an errant gate issue.  I sincerely apologize to anyone who came to a closed gate last Spin-in.  We learned that if the gate is set to open, and anyone closes it after coming through, it remains shut down.  A few people made it in before it was closed and we sat there wondering where everyone was!  Well, it will be permanently set for open during Spin-ins from now on!  So come join us for a day of good fiber therapy and good friends!  I have a HUGE stash of coned chenille yarns to give away.....